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(Posting this everywhere?idk if I need permission-)

I'm so excited and happy people. I have spent 3 days trying to figure out how to fix 'App not installed' problem. I found a solution. Since, I have to use a android tablet because my laptop has gone out of usage and I lost my phone. But anyways, this is how I fixed the problem (I don't know if it works for everyone). Go to settings and go to 'apps' all should show and go to each app that you use all of the time and show info and clear the cache of all the apps you have to do each one and then download the mod again and it should install this worked for me :)


here android ppl

this even not you house


gacha heat appears in my bathroom lol



omg wtf

i cant believe luni added that half-naked child some ppl say luni is a p3d0 and btw len totally gr0med another kid who is 16 he said he will change but he did not he did the same thing again link to the vid

Luni just 28 and that the a real kid that a peset ..

but that preset is a kid and she is half naked

Idc Lentetally have to khs and luni is a good ppl he just make gacha game and ppl mod it so shut up Luni is a gacha owner so stop hatting on gacha tubers..

i dont hate gachatubers 

trashtotally lol

I Trusted Len Now He Not Trust Worthy Of Kids 😲😲

Why Mercia is just a lil child.

wtf i hate gacha heat stop with this!


Deleted 2 years ago

why is?

too offensive

the game hates me




here i hope to works



thanks ya 🀩🀩🀩🀩


This mod is so awesome!


iOS plz

its not on ios


hay web belt Android

u can get it on phone idk if its the real one if not go on your browser and say gacha life mod apk by ryoshow


so I have to spend money again to get it πŸ€”


you dont. just click no thanks take me to downloads


no offense but this page looks like r/ooer

is not on window

bro i have windows i have3 mods: gacha mod gacha lavender and gacha editX-

Poderia ter versΓ£o para,celular,iPhone,iPad e tablet

Deleted 239 days ago

They cannot make an ipad version here

Deleted 239 days ago

I play on android ;-;

(1 edit)

Every time I try and open it it says to download adobe air but I cant find were to download it or what to do. does anyone know how to fix this?

i think i do, just deleted the file and redownload it and if it works you can follow the rest in my vid:

yyou can just do the same stuff with this same for all gacha mods 

im not a bot btw-

Download "Winrar" Its like ZIP but it opens teh apps without that error

I am using Winrar and it still is giving  that error

Get WINRAR (i wasn't yelling that's how it is) try this 

If you're opening it though a shortcut you have to go to files and open it there

ok so cool


Please Make A Phone/Android/Apple/


for anyone wondering paying for it is optional!! you can click the gray text that says "no thanks just take me to the downloads" hooe this helped

gente n precisa de dinheiro e so clicar em nΓ£o obrigado

i love it


i love itttt

Gacha life mod



No just press Take me to downloads

im downloading every Gacha game on here on my pc WAHOOOOO

Hello, I have a bug in the gacha mod, as in the original gacha, please tell me what to do? :<

just delete the mod/game and re-download

Didn't work tho

I had that to lol

you could repair it?


Just re-enter the app it does this sometimes

I've tried to do this many times, it doesn't work

close the game and open. btw what windor is it

Coffe can I edit your of for a sec I have something good UnU


Me gusta el juego porque puedo aser muchas cosas interesante


There is another mod if you are in Phone device.

It's called Gacha Club Edition and i made an OC in it.

I use that ^^

Its made by the same person as this!

*Just Saying If You Did not know <3

oh wow


Por favor, faça-o para celular / Android também. Eu o tenho no meu computador, mas não no meu celular, apenas faça uma versão móvel. obrigado por ler isso


Mine isn't working do you have one for the phophones?

It's for pc

Hello can you make a android virsion of this pls?

or if there is one link me it pls? 

it looks cool and i can't play it bc i use android :<


Hi! This mod is great! I made this oc with it!




pq pra mim o arquivo estΓ‘ corrompido


em breve



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